
8 May 2007

Russia pays tribute to over 20 million people killed in Great Patriotic War

In memory of those heroes killed during the Great Patriotic War, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin laid flowers and wreaths to the Tomb of the Unknown Solder in the morning of May 8. Putin paid tribute, a moment of silence, to all those who died in the war.

En memoria de los héroes muertos durante la Gran Guerra Patriótica, el Presidente de Rusia Vladimir Putin hizo una ofrenda floral en la Tumba del Soldado Desconocido en la mañana del 8 de Mayo. Putin hizo un minuto de silencio como tributo a todos aquellos que murieron en la guerra.

(Read more / Leer más)

As a bonus, the video "They Were Heroes - Russian Red Army during WWII"

Y además, el vídeo "Ellos fueron Héroes - Ejército Rojo de Rusia durante la 2ª Guerra Mundial"


1 comment:

Ultimate Soviets said...

In memory of those heroes killed during the Great Patriotic War, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin laid flowers and wreaths to the Tomb of the Unknown Solder in the morning of May 8. Putin paid tribute, a moment of silence, to all those who died in the war.

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