
31 Aug 2008

Booster Packs

Super Booster I: Cyborg Pack for £5.99/€8.99. This pack has an awesome set of costume pieces, emotes, auras and a power.

Many players have requested the ability to buy the 30 day temporary jetpack that comes with the new City of Heroes Game Cards. Once the retailer exclusive period ends next month, the same jetpack will be available for purchase for £2.99/€4.49.

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Super Booster I: Cyborg Pack por£5.99/€8.99. Este pack tiene un increibe set de piezas de vestimenta, emotes, auras y un poder.

Muchos jugadores han pedido el poder comprar el jetpack temporal por 30 días que viene con las nuevas Tarjetas de Juego. Una vez que el periodo de exclusividad del vendedor expire el próximo mes, el mismo jetpack estará disponible por £2.99/€4.49.

29 Aug 2008

Issue #13 Architect

Issue 13: Architect will bring the much-anticipated Mission Architect, which will allow players to create their own missions and story arcs to share with the community. Other new features include two new powersets, new Cimerora missions, a new Merits rewards system and a new Day Jobs system which will allow characters to continue earning rewards whilst offline.

First the City of Heroes Character Creator set a new standard for player creation and customisation. Now, Issue 13 takes another giant step, allowing players to design their own missions and story arcs to share with the entire City of Heroes community. Using an intuitive interface similar to the game’s detailed Character Creator, players can create missions from the ground up. Players will determine details ranging from environments, mission objectives, and enemies, to written fiction and character dialogue, giving their stories nearly infinite depth and personalisation.

Among other rewards, authors and architects who create the most extraordinary content will garner acclaim and reputation. Community feedback will be paramount and some missions will elevate in status unlocking new rewards and benefits for their creators.

DAY JOBS (Offline Character Progression)
Scholar? Caregiver? City Official? Now when players log out of City of Heroes / Villains they’re just getting started! A character’s day job is determined by the actual in-game location from which he or she logs out. If players log out from a University, their day job is considered to be a Scholar. If they log out from City Hall, they’re a City Official. The benefits are thematically appropriate to the location. For example, a City Official earns extra Influence, a Scholar is granted Salvage, a Caregiver is granted Health Regeneration Buffs, etc.

Once characters have accumulated the required amount of time for each Day Job, they are rewarded with the appropriate Day Job Badge and Title, increasing their “earnings” for that job. Multiple Badges can be combined to unlock Accolades and the ability to accumulate additional new rewards. Almost every location within Paragon City and the Rogue Isles has an associated Day Job, resulting in a huge selection of jobs and rewards!


  • Shields – Heft a Shield for Heroic or Villainous Ends! This new powerset brings a classic power to City of Heroes: Shields! Now, you can arm Tankers, Scrappers and Brutes with a powerful shield to protect both themselves and their allies.
  • Pain Domination – Villains can now bend the power of pain to serve their own ends! Those playing a Corruptor or Mastermind have access to this new powerset. The antithesis of the Hero healing powerset “Empathy,” Pain Domination brings parity between Heroes and Villains with a distinctively evil flair.

New Hero and Villain story arcs expand upon the history and lore, and delve into the players and politics of Cimerora.

A new game system that allows players to earn tokens by completing Trials, Task Forces, Strike Forces, Raids, etc. The most challenging and time consuming tasks grant the most reward tokens, which can be redeemed throughout Hero and Villain zones for recipes, enhancements, salvage, costume pieces, badges, inspirations and other game items.

Other features include new Invention Origin Sets, new Costume Sets, a Patron Power Respec, Zone Refinements, and much more!

22 Aug 2008

Mission Simulator / Simulador de Misiones

In this post of badge-hunter.com we can read about some people that have taken a survey about the game, which gives many clues about the future of the game. Some features (good/evil hero alignment change) are ideas, but the expected player based mission content seems to be more finished, as there are even a screenshot of the interface.

Player Based Mission Content

This is a new module for City of Heroes, fictionally presented as a training exercise for Heroes and Villains, that allows players to build their own Missions and Story Arcs and share them with others in the game. Using an intuitive interface similar to the game's detailed Character Creator, players can create missions by selecting options like size and type of map/environment, mission objectives and encounter types, and difficulty level of each encounter. Additionally, players can write all mission story fiction and character dialogue.

Players can create their own missions and they can play missions that have been created by other players. Once you have finalized and "published" your missions, they are accessible by all players across all servers. All players can rate player created missions and a Mission Browser lets players find available missions and story arcs through a variety of tabs, sorts and filters in an auction house type environment.

As missions are played and more people positively rate them, the creator gains rewards and access to unlockable content for his/her missions. Rewards will also be given to players of the missions. Players will gain rewards such as badges and even XP for playing user created missions and StoryArcs.

Player based mission creator features (comments in blue)
  1. Write your own dialog for all aspects of the mission. OK, time to be creative. And remember: spelling is your friend.
  2. Build Missions and Story Arcs using a Character Creator-like interface. You can see the screenshot below.
  3. Players can build powers for some NPCs by selecting from a group of primary and secondary power pools and attaching them to the NPCs. The more customizable, the better. In this way you can, i.e., face assault rifles armed liutenants in a military base mission. That's good.
  4. Players can build a boss (and other NPCs) to place within their mission by creating its looks in the Character Creator and assigning it the powers of an existing NPC (non playable character). This is THE feature. So you can fully develope new AV for your missions, and fully SG story arcs are possible.
  5. Select a variety of components for the overall mission including Level Range, Map, Length, Villain Group, Pacing, Time to Complete, Goals/type of mission, etc. As shown in the screenshot. Simple, but with enough options.
  6. Customize Encounters to your preference (Place in End Room, Select Villain Group, Name Boss, Select Critter Type, Select Hostage NPC Critter, etc.). This must be balanced by the developers, we don't want a "farm creator". But many, many people want it, and they will try.
  7. Using an in-game auction house type interface, other players can find user created StoryArcs across all shards. Wonderful. This new content will be not server-dependent, so we will have hundreds of new missions.
  8. Creators can include their own character as a contact within the mission(s). YES. That's a really nice feature. In this way your SG background missions will be given by your SG members, for example.
  9. Creators don't have access to high level content (environments, NPCs, etc.) until their own characters have encountered/defeated them in the main game. Seems fair. If you want to use it, you must to face it.
  10. Using an out-of-game web interface, other players can find user created StoryArcs across all shards. And you can show all your missions in your blog, for example. ;)
  11. Rewarding creators of the most popular content with exclusive unlockable content such as signature heroes and villains or unique maps. A nice way to reward good creations.
  12. A rating system that allows players to rate missions or flag them for inappropriate content, allowing the developer to remove bad content and potentially ban players. Necessary, but it can be a problem because "bad content" is different for an american and an european.
  13. Players can enter the mission maps to adjust placement of the NPC spawns from their pre-selected positions. Because they are nor "real" missions, but training missions.
So, what do you think about it? Please, leave a comment with your ideas.

More info: badge-hunter forums

A screenshot of the interface

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En este hilo de badge-hunter.com podemos leer acerca de algunas personas que han participado en una encuesta sobre el juego, lo que da muchas pistas sobre el futuro del juego. Algunas características (cambio de alineamiento del héroe o villano) son ideas, pero las misiones creadas por jugadores parece que está más acabado, ya que hay incluso una captura de pantalla del interfaz.

Misiones creadas por los jugadores

Se trata de un nuevo módulo para City Heroes, presentado en la ficción como un ejercicio de entrenamiento para los Héroes y Villanos, que permite a los jugadores construir sus propias misiones y árcos argumentales, y compartirlos con otras personas en el juego. Usando una intuitiva interfaz similar a la del detallado Creador de Personajes los jugadores pueden crear misiones seleccionando opciones como el tamaño y el tipo de mapa/entorno, los objetivos de la misión y tipos encuentro, y nivel de dificultad de cada encuentro. Además, los jugadores pueden escribir toda la historia de la misión y los diálogos de los personajes.

Los jugadores pueden crear sus propias misiones, y pueden jugar las misiones que han sido creadas por otros jugadores. Una vez que han finalizado y "publicado" sus misiones, son accesibles por todos los jugadores en todos los servidores. Todos los jugadores pueden puntuar las misiones creadas por los otros jugadores y un Navegador de Misiones permite encontrar misiones y árcos argumentales a través de una variedad de pestañas, búsquedas y filtros en un entorno similar a la de la casa de subastas.

Al jugarse las misiones y cuanta más gente las puntúa positivamente, el creador obtiene recompensas y acceso a contenidos bloqueados para las misiones. Las recompensas también se darán a los jugadores de las misiones. Los jugadores ganarán premios como insignias, e incluso XP por jugar misiones y arcos argumentales creados por los usuarios.

Características del creador de misiones (comentarios en azul)
  1. Escribe tus propios diaálogos para todos los aspectos de la misión. OK, hora de ser creativos. Y recuerda: la ortografía es tu amiga.
  2. Crea misiones y arcos argumentales usando un interfaz similar al de la creación de personajes. Podéis ver una captura arriba.
  3. Los jugadores pueden escoger los poderece de algunos PNJs seleccionandolos de un grupo de poderes primarios y secundarios, y añadiéndoselos a los PNJs. Cuanto más personalizable, mejor. De esta forma, por ejemplo, te enfrentarás a tenientes armados con rifles de asalto en una misión en una base militar. Eso es bueno.
  4. Los jugadores pueden construir un Jefe (y otros PNJs) para ponerlos en la misión creando su apariencia en el Editor de Personajes y asignándole los poderes de un PNJ (Personaje No Jugador) existente. Esta es LA característica. De esta forma puedes crear nuevos AV para tus arcos argumentaes, y se pueden hacer arcos propios del SG.
  5. Selecciona una variedad de componentes generales para la misión, incluyendo Rango de Niveles, Mapa, Longitud, Grupo de Villanos, Ritmo, Tiempo para Completar, Metas/Tipo de Misión, etc. Como se ve en la captura de pantalla. Simple, pero con opciones suficientes.
  6. Personaliza los encuentros a tu elección (Poner en Habitación Final, Seleccionar Grupo De Villanos, Nombre del Jefe, Selecciona Tipo de Critter, Selecciona PNJ Critter Rehén, etc.). Esto debe ser balanceado por los desarrolladores, ya que no queremos un "creador de granjas". Pero muchos, muchos jugadores sí lo quieren y van a intentarlo.
  7. Usando un interfaz simlar al de las casas de subastas en el juego, otros jugadores pueden encontrar arcos argumentales creados por los usuarios a través de todos los servidores. Maravilloso. El nuevo contenido no será dependiente del servidor, por lo que tendremos miles de nuevas misiones.
  8. Los creadores pueden incluir su propio personaje como un contacto dentro de la misión. SI. Una funcionalidad realmente buena. De esta forma las misiones de trasfondo de tu SG serán dadas por los miembros de tu SG, por ejemplo.
  9. Los creadores no tendrán acceso al contenido de alto nivel (entornos, PNJs, etc.) hasta que sus propios personajes se hayan encontrado/derrotado en el juego. Parece justo. Si quieres usarlo, tienes que enfrentarte a ello primero.
  10. Usando un interfaz exterior al juego, otros jugadores pueden buscar arcos argumentales creados por los usuarios en todos los servidores. Y también puedes mostrar todas tus misiones en tu blog, por ejemplo. ;)
  11. Recompensar a los creadores del contenido más popular con contenido exclusivo desbloqueado, como héroes y villanos de renombre o mapas únicos. Una bonita forma de premiar las buenas creaciones.
  12. Un sistema de calificación que permite a los jugadores puntuar las misiones, o marcarlas por tener contenido inapropiado, permitiendo al desarrollador eliminar malos contenidos y potencialmente prohibir jugadores. Necesario, pero puede ser un problema porque el "contenido inapropiado" es diferente para europeos y americanos.
  13. Los jugadores pueden entrar en la misión para ajustar la posición de despliegue de los PNJs de sus posiciones preseleccionadas. Esto es debido a que no son misiones "reales" sino misiones de entrenamiento.
Así que, ¿qué pensais de esto? Por favor, dejad un comentario con vuestras ideas.

Más información: foros de badge-hunter

20 Aug 2008

Patch Notes - 19 August 2008 / Notas del parche - 19 agosto 2008

Version 17.20080731.3T3



• Fix for rare bug that caused erroneous “wrong number of parameters” message to spam repeatedly in global chat.
• Global Chat Channels will now reflect who initiated any Operator actions.


• Traded combined Hamidon Enhancements (i.e. marked with a “+” or “++”) will now retain their Combined “+” or “++” attributes when traded.


• Addressed a client-side crash where players would sometimes get a “Base.Power.Not.Found” error message and crash, when the “Stop sending all buffs” option was enabled.


• Eliminated “pause” times from Claws attack animations. Most attacks activate more quickly now (Eviscerate is slightly longer.) Additionally, a balancing algorithm has been applied to the damage of the attacks. In most cases, this means the attacks will do slightly more damage, though for Focus, it means slightly less damage overall.
• Fire Imps should now be “pushable” by players.
• Ice Control / Ice Slick: This power now states in its short help that it has a -Jump component.
• Sonic Attack / Screech: This power can now be slotted with range enhancements.
• Sonic Attack / Shockwave: This power will no longer erroneously state that it reduces the target’s resistance.
• Removed Graphical FX on auto powers granted from mayhem missions.
• Earth Control / Animate Stone: Reduced Animate Stone’s Seismic Smash’s hold magnitude from 4 to 3 and reduced the frequency in which the hold will be triggered from 100% to 66%


• Flashback story arcs will now correctly grant their end story arc rewards once every 30 minutes.

User Interface

• Players will no longer be able to select Supergroup settings when their character is dead. This was done to correct an issue where the keyboard became non-responsive after the Supergroup settings were accessed.


• Fixed bug in some office maps that would sometimes make it impossible to complete ‘Defeat All’ missions (for example: mission 5 of the Ice Mistral Strike Force)




• Mastermind pets will now keep their names when defeated and resummoned.

19 Aug 2008

Search in blog / Buscar en el blog

Our blog has a new feature: Search in blog. Using Google AJAX Search API now you can fully search in all our posts. The results will appear in top of page.

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Nuestro blog tiene una nueva funcionalidad: Buscar en el blog. Usando Google AJAX Search API ahora puedes realizar búsquedas completas en todos nuestras entradas. Los resultados aparecerán al principio de la página.

14 Aug 2008

New Costume / Nuevo Traje

City of Heroes players who come to the Games Convention in Leipzig (or the Penny Arcade Expo in Seattle) this month will be given exclusive codes for a new costume power: The PPD hardsuit!

More info: CoH Official Site

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Los jugadores de CoH que acudan este mes al Games Convention in Leipzig (o al Penny Arcade Expo in Seattle) obtendrán códigos exclusivos para un nuevo traje: el PPD hardsuit!

Más info: CoH Official Site

11 Aug 2008

Star Trek Online Trailer

Cryptic Studios, the same company of City of Heroes and Champions Online, has released a trailer of their other MMORPG: Star Trek Online. It's made with 100% in-game footage.

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Cryptic Studios, la misma compañía de City of Heroes y Champions Online, ha publicado un trailer de su otro MMORPG: Star Trek Online. Está hecho al 100% con metraje del juego.

7 Aug 2008

Patch Notes - 05 August 2008 / Notas del Parche - 05 Agosto 2008

Version: 17.20080723.3T


• Fixed an issue where a player would not receive tells or see team chat messages as they were zoning.


• Stupefy: Chance for Knockback: This recipe’s description should now be consistent with the enhancement’s description, describing both as being knockback not knockdown.

• Gaussian’s Synchronized Fire-Control should now properly be a Unique enhancement.

• Location targeted powers slotted with Pacing of the Turtle, Dark Watcher’s Despair or Induced Coma enhancement sets chance for -recharge will no longer affect the caster.

• Fixed several typos in IO Set enhancement descriptions which stated “this enhancement my be”, which should have been “this enhancement may be.”

• Set bonuses that state they increase “Movement Speed” will now boost the base movement of the character instead of enhancing movement speed boosting powers.


• Fire Control / Cinders - This power was allowing for range enhancements even though it’s a PBAoE power, this has been corrected. Cinders can no longer be slotted for range enhancements.

• Updated info description of Minotaurs.

• The Omega Device is no longer targetable by players

• Plant Control/Entangle: This power will now correctly knock flying targets out of the air only if they are close to the ground.

• Plant Control/Roots: This power will now correctly knock flying targets out of the air only if they are close to the ground.

• The Warburg Nuke Chemical Burn power now correctly states that it reduces the target’s defense and not accuracy in its long help.

• Adjusted the animation for Energy Transfer.


• Ouroboros missions will now issue a gold star and the proper badge upon completion

Badges and Accolades

• Changed the name of the badge granted from Flashback challenges by buffing enemies from Valorous to Fearless.

• Demonic Aura and Eye of the Magus: These powers had their short help changed. They previously stated these powers had a self debuff, however this was incorrect. The erroneous data in the short help was removed.


• Resolved issue of certain geometry displaying black textures with Nvidia GeForce 8+ series video cards.


• Fixed rare crash when rapidly transferring salvage to Base Storage.

• Fixed rare crash when chatting in a Supergroup channel.




• Blasters / Psychic Blast / Psionic Dart - This power’s long help should now accurately state that this power deals moderate damage.

• Blasters / Psychic Blast / Mental Blast - This power’s long help should now accurately state that this power deals high damage.

• Blasters Secondary Powers now give the correct Defiance Bonus. Honest.


• Cold Domination/Heat Loss: The endurance recovery buff portion of this power was granting ten times greater recovery than was intended. This has been corrected.


• Martial Arts/Dragon’s Tail: Corrected the critical hit portion of this power so that it is equal to the power’s normal damage.


• All Peacebringer attacks that have a -def component will now show the debuff defense effects.

• Luminous Blast/Radiant Strike: This power’s long help stated it dealt high damage, this was corrected to state that it deals Superior damage.


• Warshades / Umbral Aura / Eclipse: Use of inspirations of damage buffs will no longer increase the resistance granted by this power.



Arachnos Soldiers

• Bane Spider Armor Upgrade should no longer have brief “double application” of the Health bonus applied. This means you won’t have your Max health fluctuating any longer.

• Wide Area Webgrenade: This power should now have target and caster hit messages.


• Super Reflexes/Evasion: The brute version of this power will no longer have its defense affected by attacker’s level.

• Brute Invulneraiblity/Invincibility: This power was generating substantially more threat than was intended. It has been brought down to generate a similar amount of threat as generated by a tanker.


• Masterminds / Ninjas / Call Genin - Removed Quiver FX from Mastermind Genin pets when upgraded.

• Improved damage of Mastermind Genin Shuriken powers. They now recharge more slowly, and take slightly more endurance, as well.

• Mastermind Ninja Jounin should work as they did with I12 Launch -- all changes to their AI since have been reverted out.

• The Ouroboros Portal will now have a description in its info if selected by a Mastermind.

• Robotics/Pulse Rifle Blast: This power can no longer be slotted with knockback enhancements as it doesn’t have a knockback component.

• Mastermind Soldier Medics now lose their Brawl attack when their Tier 1 upgrade is applied. This makes them less likely to rush forward into combat.

• Mastermind Soldier Medics no longer throw their frag grenades. Instead, they are launched from their submachinegun.

• Mastermind Necromancy Liches Torrent power should now only do Knockdown, unless slotted with Knockback Enhancements or otherwise buffed.


• The Find and Assist Barracuda mission in the Temple of Waters strike force will fail if you let Barracuda get defeated.

• Dr. Vimes will now appear in the “Kidnap Dr. Franklin Vimes” Mission.

• The contact Darrin Wade now sells enhancements

2 Aug 2008

Heroes of the Soviet/Héroes del Soviet: Rojo

Paragon City is full of true heroes. People Heroes. SOVIET Heroes. Not all of them are members of our SG. Today we present you Rojo, a veteran soviet soldier.

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Paragon City está llena de verdaderos héroes. Héroes del Pueblo. Héroes del SOVIET. No todos son miembros de nuestro SG. Hoy os presentamos a Rojo, un soldado veterano del soviet.

1 Aug 2008

New Member/Nuevo Miembro: Vanguardia Obrera

A new hero has joined our SG: Vanguardia Obrera. Welcome komrade!

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Una nueva heroina se ha unido a nuestro SG: Vanguardia Obrera. ¡Bienvenida kamarada!

What is City Of Heroes? / ¿Qué es City of Heroes?

City of Heroes (CoH) is a massively multiplayer online role-playing computer game based on the superhero comic book genre. In the game, players create superhero player characters that can team up with others to complete missions and fight villains belonging to various gangs and organizations in Paragon City and its surrounding areas.

City of Heroes es el primer juego de rol multijugador masivo con superhéroes. Cada jugador diseña su propio héroe, y puede enfrentarse solo o con otros jugadores a una gran variedad de villanos.

More info/Más información: CoH website
City of Heroes game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of NCsoft Corporation and its Licensors and used with permission. All rights reserved.